CSIT881 - Programming and Data Structures

My Learning on Python

The CSIT881 course provided a foundational understanding of Python programming and data structures. Although some concepts covered were quite basic, it was a valuable review and reinforcement of key principles. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of what was covered in the course:

1. Basic Concepts

  • Syntax and Semantics
  • Data Types (int, float, str, bool, etc.)
  • Variables
  • Operators (arithmetic, comparison, logical, etc.)


2. Control Flow

  • Conditional Statements (if, elif, else)
  • Loops (for, while)
  • Break and Continue


3. Functions

  • Defining Functions (def)
  • Arguments and Parameters
  • Return Values
  • Lambda Functions
  • Variable Scope (local, global)


4. Data Structures

  • Lists
  • Tuples
  • Sets
  • Dictionaries
  • List Comprehensions
  • Generators and Iterators


5. Error Handling

  • Exceptions (try, except, finally)
  • Raise Exceptions
  • Custom Exceptions


6. File Handling

  • Reading from and Writing to Files
  • File Modes
  • File Context Managers (with statement)


7. Modules and Packages

  • Importing Modules
  • Creating Modules
  • Package Management (pip, virtualenv)
  • Standard Library

Not Covered

8. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Classes and Objects
  • Attributes and Methods
  • Inheritance
  • Encapsulation
  • Polymorphism
  • Special Methods (e.g., __init__, __str__, __repr__)

Partially Covered (Classes and Objects)

9. Decorators and Higher-Order Functions

  • Function Wrappers
  • Class Decorators
  • Partial Functions

Not Covered

10. Concurrency

  • Threads
  • Multiprocessing
  • Asyncio
  • Async/Await

Not Covered

11. Data Manipulation and Analysis

  • List and Dict Manipulation
  • NumPy (arrays, matrix operations)
  • Pandas (DataFrames, Series)
  • Data Visualization (Matplotlib, Seaborn)

Not Covered

12. Testing and Debugging

  • Unit Testing (unittest, pytest)
  • Debugging Techniques (pdb, logging)

Not Covered

13. Web Development

  • Web Frameworks (Flask, Django)
  • RESTful APIs
  • HTTP Requests and Responses

Not Covered

14. Data Serialization

  • JSON
  • Pickle

Not Covered

15. Libraries and Frameworks

  • Machine Learning (scikit-learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch)
  • Web Scraping (BeautifulSoup, Scrapy)

Not Covered

16. Memory Management

  • Garbage Collection
  • Memory Leaks

Not Covered

17. Miscellaneous

  • Regular Expressions
  • Command-Line Arguments (argparse)
  • Context Managers

Not Covered

Overall Overview

The course is excellent for beginners new to Python programming, providing a solid foundation. However, for experienced developers, it may not offer much new insight.

My Thoughts

While I do feel a bit of regret that the course content was relatively basic for my level, it has been a useful refresher and reinforced my Python skills. On the bright side, Python is now my primary language, and the course has served its purpose in solidifying my foundation.


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