CSIT985 - Strategic Network Design

My Learning from CSIT985 - Strategic Network Design

  1. Networking Fundamentals: Introduction to the basics of networking, including key concepts, protocols, and technologies essential for understanding network operations.

  2. Strategic Network Design and Requirements Analysis Concept: Focuses on designing network infrastructures to meet specific business needs and analyzing requirements to ensure alignment with organizational goals.

  3. Flow Analysis: Examines the flow of data within a network, including traffic patterns, bottlenecks, and optimization techniques to improve network efficiency.

  4. Network Architecture: Covers the design and structure of network systems, including the layout of hardware components, network topologies, and integration strategies.

  5. Network Addressing and Routing: Involves the assignment of IP addresses and the techniques used for routing data packets across networks, including static and dynamic routing protocols.

  6. Network Performance: Focuses on evaluating and enhancing network performance through monitoring, analysis, and optimization of network resources and bandwidth.

  7. Network Management: Deals with the administration and maintenance of network systems, including configuration, monitoring, and troubleshooting to ensure reliable network operations.

  8. Network Security Workshop: Provides practical insights into securing networks, including threat analysis, security measures, and best practices for protecting network data and resources.

  9. Network Design Documentation: Emphasizes the creation and maintenance of comprehensive documentation for network designs, including diagrams, configurations, and specifications.

  10. Advanced Networking Technologies: Explores cutting-edge networking technologies and trends, including innovations and emerging practices in the field of networking.

Overall Experience

If there’s one subject I wish I could retake, it would be this one. I barely passed with a 54%, just above the 50% passing mark.

Adding to the irony, I had prior experience as a network engineer before coming to Australia. I attribute my struggles to several factors:

Underestimation: Despite having practical knowledge, I underestimated the depth of the theoretical content and failed to appreciate the complexity of the subject matter.

Overestimation: I didn’t choose my group wisely and relied too heavily on the abilities of my teammates, assuming that being six months ahead in experience meant they would excel. This reliance led to a disorganized group project.

Lack of Discipline and Overconfidence: I was juggling four subjects in my first semester: Web Development, Python, Computer Vision, and Network Design. While I was familiar with most of these topics, I took Network Design too lightly. I skipped lectures, relied on lecture notes, and developed poor living habits, including staying up late.

No Networking: I realized my mistakes too late. I didn’t seek help or raise concerns when I needed to. Missing an assignment worth 10% and not addressing issues was a significant oversight.

In retrospect, I should have managed my time better, chosen my team more carefully, and taken a more disciplined approach to studying.

Lectures Project PPT Essay

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